Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

Tambasasayama City

Tambasasayama, a beautiful farming village in Japan, is a wonderful charming city which owns world-class landscapes, histories, cultures, crafts, farm produce and more. The city is selected as a Japan Heritage site, a Member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), Japanese Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (J-NIAHS), and Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings (IPDGTB) and more.
As being a "food capital", Tambasasayama has brilliant speciality foods: "'Tambasasayama Black Edamame Beans' which is a representative Autumn food in the city"; "'Tambasasayama Black Soybeans' an indispensable food in New Year's dish"; "'Tambasasayama rice' a top rice brand in Japan equivalent to Uonuma"; "'Tambasasayama Yam' with its strong sticky attribute when grated, a best choice for someone who needs perseverance for exam success"; "Boar meat hot pot"; "Tamba Chestnuts"; "Tambasasayama Beef"; and "Famous Sake made by Tamba Brewery". The city is surely a treasure trove of tastes.
"Tambasasayama World Expo Heritage and Future - the beauty of Japan" will be held from April 2025 to March 2026. No pavillions are intended to be built for the event, but if you visit Tambasasayama you can enjoy the charms of the city anytime, anywhere by participating in "experiencing programs" and "gratitude-to-foods fairs". We are sincerely looking forward to your visit to Tambasasayama from domestic and overseas.
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