Tourism EXPO Japan User Agreement

Article 1: Agreement to this Agreement

  1. This is an agreement regarding the use of “Tourism EXPO Japan System” (hereinafter referred to as “the System”) web services for taking the procedures to issue admission tickets and other services to Tourism EXPO Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Exhibition”).
  2. The System is provided by Japan Travel and Tourism Association and Japan Association of Travel Agents (hereinafter referred to as “the Exhibition Organizers”).
  3. In using this System, the user (hereinafter referred to as “the Registrant”) agrees to the terms of this Agreement.

Article 2: Content of this System

  1. The Exhibition Organizers shall provide the following services regarding the System:
    1. The procedures for purchasing admission tickets to the Exhibition and the issuing of the admission tickets;
    2. Information regarding the holding of the Exhibition.
  2. The Registrant can utilize the System until the end of the year.

Article 3: Registration

  1. Upon agreeing to this Agreement, people wishing to use the System shall apply for registration according to the method stipulated by the Exhibition Organizers and their registration will be completed once the Exhibition Organizers approve it.
  2. In the event the Exhibition Organizers deem any of the following apply to the person wishing to use the System, they may reject their application for registration:
    1. The person reports a statement that is false when applying for registration;
    2. The person is someone who has previously violated the terms of the Agreement;
    3. The person is an anti-social force as defined in clause 1 of Article 15;
    4. The Exhibition Organizers judge that the person does not qualify for registration for any other reason.

Article 4: Account Management

  1. In the event the System is used by entering the ID and password that the Registrant has registered, the Exhibition Organizers shall deem that the Registrant themself is using the System and any outcomes arising from that use and any responsibility thereof shall lie with the Registrant.
  2. The Registrant themself shall be responsible for strictly managing the ID and password for using this System.
  3. Should the Registrant lose or forget their ID or password, they shall follow the procedures for reissuing them using the method stipulated by the Exhibition Organizers.
  4. The Registrant shall be issued only one ID.

Article 5: System Requirements

  1. The Registrant must connect to the internet in order to use this System.
  2. The Registrant must connect to the internet after preparing the computing devices, software, and other items necessary at their own expense and the Exhibition Organizers have no involvement in connecting or related aspects whatsoever.

Article 6: Handling of Personal Information

The personal information the System handles is managed properly in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” of the Exhibition Organizers.

Article 7: Suspension of System Use

Registrants understand and agree in advance that when any of the following circumstances arise, they might not be able to use the System or they will experience difficulties in using it:

  1. The system is being maintained, inspected, serviced, or expanded;
  2. The Registrant or a third party mishandles the System or accesses it without authorization;
  3. It becomes necessary to reactivate the equipment or software used by the System;
  4. An excessive load or other detrimental condition is imposed on the System such as when there is a significant increase in the number of access attempts;
  5. External systems that are used by the Exhibition Organizers to provide the System cannot be utilized due to the items;
  6. Circumstances corresponding to the preceding items in this article.

Article 8: Prohibited Actions

  1. In using the System, the Registrant is prohibited from carrying out any of the following actions:
    1. Infringing upon the property, reputation, privacy, or other similar items of the Exhibition Organizers or third parties or doing anything that might incur such risk;
    2. Causing incumbrances or financial loss to be imposed on the Exhibition Organizers or third parties or actions that might incur the risk of such;
    3. Spreading computer viruses or using harmful programs or actions that induce such;
    4. Causing of excessive load on the infrastructure and equipment used by the System;
    5. Attacking the Exhibition Organizers servers, systems, or security;
    6. Violating the law as well as public order and morals, or actions that incur the risk of such;
    7. Preventing the Exhibition Organizers from conducting their business or damaging their credibility;
    8. Violation of this Agreement;
    9. Other actions the Exhibition Organizers may deem inappropriate.
  2. In the event the Exhibition Organizers or third parties incur loss due to actions of the Registrant that violate the items in the preceding clause or this Agreement, the Registrant shall bear responsibility at their own expense for compensating them for their losses.

Article 9: Measures to Suspend Usage>

  1. When the Exhibition Organizers deem that the Registrant has taken actions corresponding to any of the items in the preceding article, they may take measures to suspend their use of the entire System or a portion of the System (later referred to as “Measures to Suspend Usage”) without prior warning or notification.
  2. The Registrant may not lodge any objections to the Measures to Suspend Usage.

Article 10: Cancellation of Registration

Should the Registrant take any action corresponding to the following, the Exhibition Organizers may cancel the registration of the Registrant without prior notification and invalidate their ID and password.

  1. Actions corresponding to any of the items in Article 8;
  2. It is deemed the Registrant has made untrue statements;
  3. The Registrant does not pay the admission fee;
  4. The Registrant is an anti-social force as defined in clause 1 of Article 15;
  5. Any other action corresponding to the preceding items in this article.

Article 11: Disclaimers

Exhibition Organizers shall bear no responsibility for any loss occurring through the Registrant’s use or the unavailability of the System, except for willful or gross negligence on the part of the Exhibition Organizers. Furthermore, even in the event the Exhibition Organizers bear responsibility, the extent of that responsibility shall be limited to the direct and normal loss incurred by the Registrant.

Article 12: Changes and Other Modifications to the System

The Exhibition Organizers may change, supplement or remove aspects of the System and the Registrant shall agree to the same.

Article 13: Revisions of the Agreement and Similar Matters

  1. The Exhibition Organizers may revise the content of this Agreement without prior notification to the Registrant, should any of the following circumstances apply. In such an event, the Agreement reflecting the changes shall be in effect with regard to the use of the System after the revisions.
    1. The changes to this Agreement conform to the general best interests of the Registrant;
    2. The changes to this Agreement do not conflict with the service objectives of the System and are reasonable in light of the necessity of the changes, the appropriateness of the content of the changes after being effected, and other circumstances regarding the changes.
  2. In the event the Exhibition Organizers revise this Agreement, they shall provide notification about the revisions by posting them on their website and the efficacy of such shall begin at the point the Exhibition Organizers made the posting.

Article 14: Prohibition Against Transfer

The Registrant may not transfer the rights or obligations based on this Agreement to third parties without the prior written consent of the Exhibition Organizers and cannot pledge them as collateral.

Article 15: Renunciation of Antisocial Forces

  1. The Registrant represents and warrants that at the current time, or any time in the future, they are not an antisocial force (criminal organization, member of a criminal organization, has not been a member of such for the past 5 years, a member of a criminal syndicate, a company affiliated with a criminal organization, a stockholders’ meeting extortionist, or a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns or political activities or a crime group specialized in intellectual crimes and any other people who are equivalent to these). Furthermore, the Registrant further represents and warrants that they do not become involved in the use of violence, fraud, and intimidation, nor actions that obstruct business and affirm that the aforementioned will not apply in the future:
  2. Should the Registrant violate the declaration in the preceding clause, their registration shall be canceled and they will be subject to claims for damage compensation.

Article 16: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court in the first instance.

April 1, 2022