Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

The Japan Heritage "Iza,kamakura" Consociation

Rediscovering Culture in the Ancient City of Kamakura - Japanese Heritage "Iza, Kamakura" - A Mosaic of History and Culture
After the shogunate was established by Minamoto no Yoritomo, the city of Kamakura was rapidly developed, with Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in the center of the city, Kiridoshi (a road cutting through the mountain), and large temples, including Zen temples, built at the foot of the mountain. Kamakura, an ancient city where one can feel the history and melancholy of the warriors who lived here, has been in the limelight as a place of worship and recreation in modern times, and many villas were built in modern times, but the city's harmony of historical heritage and nature has been preserved.
Kamakura, the ancient capital with such a history, has been in harmony with nature and the atmosphere created by temples and shrines since the Middle Ages,
Kamakura has become a special town where various elements such as architectural and civil engineering remains from various periods, art and culture left behind by Kamakura literati, livelihood and events are combined like a mosaic picture. Please "come" to Kamakura, a Japanese Heritage Site that shows a different face each time you visit.
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