Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

Kyoto by the Sea

"Kyoto by the Sea" consists of seven cities and towns (Fukuchiyama, Maizuru, Ayabe, Miyazu, Kyotango, Ine, and Yosano) in the northern part of Kyoto facing the Sea of Japan. Fukuchiyama, a town loved by Mitsuhide Akechi, Fukuchiyama, Maizuru, a town dotted with modern and contemporary remains, Ayabe, a town with the largest number of farmhouse stays in Kyoto Prefecture, Kyotango, the gateway to the Tango Kingdom with its rich food culture, and Yosano, a town with many cultural assets that make up the Tango Chirimen Corridor, a Japanese Heritage Site. Yosano, where many of the cultural assets that comprise the Tango Chirimen Corridor, a Japanese Heritage Site, are located. Why don't you come and discover a Kyoto you have never seen before?
Booth NoL-141
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