Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

Miyajima Commerce and Industry Association

Well being Island Miyajima
Go to Journey to enrich your life
A time to immerse yourself in Miyajima, an island of myths and deities.

Miyajima, with its sea, mountains, towns, shrines, and temples, has the power to attract those who truly love to travel.
Experience the spirit of Buddhism, make your own amulets, walk around in Heian attire, see the scenery on a rickshaw, feel the changing of the seasons on Mt. Misen, ponder a time of peace, and face yourself on the mysterious sea,

Miyajima Commerce and Industry Association proposes a trip that can only be experienced on Miyajima, including a Buddhist spiritual experience, amulet making, a Japanese kimono experience, a trekking tour of Mt. Misen, ickshaw, a paper crane experience, and sea kayaking.
We would like to offer such a trip to Miyajima, an island of myths and gods, where you can immerse yourself and enrich your life.

We have collected unique and special programs for Miyajima that you cannot experience in Tokyo, Kyoto or other places.
We recommend it to those who seek cultural experiences, wellness, nature activities, and encounters with the local community.

Stop for a moment in your long life
The encounters and discoveries on this island will make you shine tomorrow.
What we want to offer you is such a valuable time.

Buddhist Spiritual Experience
Making amulets
Japanese clothing experience
Trekking with a rickshaw
Origami crane experience
Sea kayaking
Booth NoL-173
Main BusinessTourism-related organization (tourism association/federation)
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 In-booth event or Hands-on event
