Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024


1. Company Overview
Our company is a well-established provider of contact center and multilingual contact center services, offering a wide range of services including:
* Telemarketing
* Telephone secretary services
* Market research
* Multilingual interpretation

Leveraging the personnel management skills cultivated through our many years in the contact center business, we also provide BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) services.

2. Track Record
* Contact center operations: 43 years
* Multilingual interpretation center operations: 16 years

From a risk management perspective, we have established centers in both Tokyo and Tokushima. Utilizing the latest technology and advanced staff training, we aim to enhance customer satisfaction and achieve efficient business operations.

3. Our Major Clients
Our clients include approximately 400 companies from various industries, including the contact centers of the Japan Airlines Group, health food and cosmetics companies, manufacturer mail-order departments, financial institutions, commercial facilities, government agencies, and local governments.

4. Main Services
(1) Contact Center Services
* Handling inquiries via phone, fax, postcards, web, and email
* In addition to contact center operations, we also handle back-office tasks such as database creation, application form entry, and DM/material shipping

(2) Multilingual Contact Center
* Supports up to 22 languages
* Proven track record with 300 companies and 35,000 locations
* Capable of handling industry-specific terminology
* Document translation (emails, brochures, contracts, etc.) in up to 38 languages

(3) BPO Services
Comprehensive administrative services for government subsidy projects, from pre-application to post-payment
Booth NoTS-042
AreaTravel Solutions Exhibition
Main BusinessOther


