Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

Miyazaki Prefecture

With its warm climate, wide seas, and iconic palm trees, Miyazaki Prefecture is also known as nangoku, the tropical south. And in nangoku, as we say in Japanese, nandemo gokujou! Meaning: you'll find the best of everything.

You'll find exquisite food, from our brand of Miyazaki Wagyu Beef - rated the most delicious in Japan - to our local favorites in chicken nanban and chargrilled jidori chicken, not to mention our luxury mangoes that are just bursting with sweetness. Make sure to try all these delicacies at least once!

You'll find abundant natural beauty, from the replenishing your energy of Takachiho Gorge infused with negative ions, to Aoshima with its unique "Devil's Washboard" coastline; from the range of beautiful flowers throughout the seasons to the bright blue ocean stretching as far as the eye can see. Wherever you go, there's scenery to leave you speechless.

And you'll find places charged with deep spiritual energy, such as Udo Shrine built on cliffs overlooking the sea, and other shrines housing ancient myths like Omi Shrine and Amano Yasukawara. These mysterious "power spots" will take your breath away.

Superb cuisine, awe-inspiring scenes, rich spiritual energy: come to Miyazaki for the best of everything.

At the Miyazaki booth, we have a range of fun and immersive experiences on offer. Maybe you'd like to try undamanage from Udo Shrine (fortune stone throwing), or shichifukutokuju bangi from Aratate Shrine (hitting the board seven times to make a wish). There are also plenty of snacks and other products made from delicious local fruits to try. Come on over to our booth to see what "nangoku" delights Miyazaki Prefecture has in store!
Booth NoL-139
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Miyazaki Prefecture Brochure