Tourism EXPO JAPAN 2024

City of Koriyama

Koriyama is a captivating city located in the heart of Fukushima Prefecture,
making it a must-see destination for many foreign tourists. The city is dotted
with abundant natural beauty and historic sites, offering a variety of experiences
for visitors.
One of the top attractions is Kaiseizan Park, a vast area featuring rows of
stunning cherry blossom trees and a colorful rose garden. Each season brings a
different landscape to enjoy, and in spring the sea of blooming cherry blossoms
provide the perfect background for visitors to enjoy a wonderful hanami
picknick. Nearby is Kaiseizan Daijingu Shrine, a historic shrine where visitors
can immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere and experience the
traditional culture of Japan.
In addition, Koriyama is home to numerous delicious ramen shops, cozy cafes,
and shopping centers, ensuring that food and shopping enthusiasts have plenty
to explore. The surrounding area also offers rich natural attractions, such as
Lake Inawashiro and Bandai-Atami Hot Springs, ideal for outdoor activities and
Koriyama is the perfect destination for tourists seeking to escape the hustle and
bustle of big cities like Tokyo and Kyoto, and to enjoy a more leisurely pace in a
charming and traditional Japanese setting.
Booth NoL-079
Main BusinessMunicipality / government office
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Discover Koriyama(Japanese)
Discover Koriyama(English)